Compute pipelines

In order to ask the GPU to perform an operation, we have to write some kind of code for it, like we would for a regular program. A program that runs on the GPU is called a shader.

This is done in two steps:

  • First we write the source code of the program in a programming language called GLSL. Vulkano will compile the GLSL code at compile-time into an intermediate representation called SPIR-V.
  • At runtime, we pass this SPIR-V to the Vulkan implementation (GPU driver), which in turn converts it into its own implementation-specific format.

Note: In the very far future it may be possible to write shaders in Rust, or in a domain specific language that resembles Rust.

The GLSL code

But first, we need to write the source code of the operation. The GLSL language looks a lot like the C programming language, but has some differences.

This book is not going to cover teaching you GLSL, as it is an entire programming language. As with many programming languages, the easiest way to learn GLSL is by looking at examples.

Let's take a look at some GLSL that takes each element of a buffer and multiplies it by 12:

#version 460

layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer Data {
    uint data[];
} buf;

void main() {
    uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;[idx] *= 12;

Let's break it down a bit.

#version 460

The first line indicates which version of GLSL to use. Since GLSL was already the shading language of the OpenGL API (Vulkan's predecessor), we are in fact already at the version 4.60 of the language. You should always include this line at the start of every shader.

Note: You can use an older version for compatibility with older GPUs and Vulkan implementations.

layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

We want to invoke the compute shader 65536 times in total, once for each element in the buffer. But in practice we are going to ask the GPU to spawn 1024 work groups, where each work group has a local size of 64. This line of code declares what the local size is. Each element of the local size corresponds to one invocation of the shader, which gives us 1024 * 64 = 65536 invocations.

You should always try to aim for a local size of at least 32 to 64. While we could ask to spawn 65536 work groups with a local size of 1, in practice this has been benchmarked to be slower than using a larger local size.

For convenience, the number of work groups and the local size are three-dimensional. You can use the y and z coordinates if you access a two-dimensional or a three-dimensional data structure. The shader will be called once for each possible combination of values for x, y and z.

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer Data {
    uint data[];
} buf;

This declares a descriptor, which we are going to cover in more details in the next section. In particular, we declare a buffer whose name is buf and that we are going to access in our code.

The content of the buffer is an unsized array of uints. A uint is always similar to a u32 in Rust. In other words the line uint data[]; is equivalent in Rust to a variable named data of type [u32].

void main() {

Every GLSL code has an entry point named main, similar to C or Rust. This is the function that is going to be invoked 65536 times.

uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;

As explained above we are going to spawn 1024 work groups, each having a local size of 64. Compute shaders in GLSL have access to several read-only static variables that let us know the index of the invocation we are currently in. The gl_GlobalInvocationID.x value here will contain a value that ranges between 0 and 65535. We are going to use it to determine which element of the array to modify.[idx] *= 12;

The content of the buffer is accessed with We multiply the value at the given index with 12.

Note: You can easily trigger a data race by calling, for example,[0] *= 12;, as all of the shader invocations will access the buffer simultaneously. This is a safety problem that vulkano doesn't detect or handle yet. Doing so will lead to an undefined result, but not in an undefined behavior.

Embedding the GLSL code in the Rust code

Now that we've written the shader in GLSL, we're going to be compiling the shaders at application compile-time. We'll accomplish this using vulkano-shaders which is a procedural macro that manages the compile-time compilation of GLSL into SPIR-V and generation of associated rust code.

To use vulkano-shaders, we first have to add a dependency:

# Notice that it uses the same version as vulkano
vulkano-shaders = "0.34.0"

Note: vulkano-shaders uses the crate shaderc-sys for the actual GLSL compilation step. When you build your project, an attempt will be made to automatically install shaderc if you don't already have it. shaderc also comes in the Vulkan SDK). See shaderc-sys crate for installation instructions should the automatic system fail.

Here is the syntax:

fn main() {
mod cs {
        ty: "compute",
        src: r"
            #version 460

            layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

            layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer Data {
                uint data[];
            } buf;

            void main() {
                uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
      [idx] *= 12;

As you can see, we specify some "fields" in the vulkano_shaders::shader! macro to specify our shader. The macro will then compile the GLSL code (outputting compilation errors if any) and generate several structs and methods, including one named load. This is the method that we have to use next:

fn main() {
let shader = cs::load(device.clone()).expect("failed to create shader module");

This feeds the shader to the Vulkan implementation. The last step to perform at runtime is to create a compute pipeline object from that shader. This is the object that actually describes the compute operation that we are going to perform. Before we can create any kind of pipeline, we need to create a pipeline layout, which most notably describes what kinds of resources will be bound to the pipeline. We are going to let vulkano auto-generate this layout for us by using shader reflection.

Note: Auto-generated pipeline layouts are great for starting out or quick prototyping, but are oftentimes suboptimal. You might be able to optimize better by creating one by hand.

fn main() {
use vulkano::pipeline::compute::ComputePipelineCreateInfo;
use vulkano::pipeline::layout::PipelineDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo;
use vulkano::pipeline::{ComputePipeline, PipelineLayout, PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo};

let cs = shader.entry_point("main").unwrap();
let stage = PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::new(cs);
let layout = PipelineLayout::new(

let compute_pipeline = ComputePipeline::new(
    ComputePipelineCreateInfo::stage_layout(stage, layout),
.expect("failed to create compute pipeline");

Before invoking that compute pipeline, we need to bind a buffer to it. This is covered by the next section.