Exporting the content of an image
In the previous section we filled the image with a color.
But you may now wonder how to see the result of this operation. As explained previously, images are opaque structures whose actual layout is implementation-specific. So how do we read their content?
The answer to this question is that we have to create a buffer and ask the GPU to copy the content of the image to the buffer.
Note: You can find the full source code of this section here.
Copying from the image to the buffer
The first step is to create the buffer, as we have already covered in previous sections. The buffer
has to be large enough, otherwise the copy will result in an error. Each pixel of the image
contains four unsigned 8-bit values, and the image dimensions are 1024 by 1024 pixels. Hence why
the number of elements in the buffer is 1024 * 1024 * 4
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let buf = Buffer::from_iter( memory_allocator.clone(), BufferCreateInfo { usage: BufferUsage::TRANSFER_DST, ..Default::default() }, AllocationCreateInfo { memory_type_filter: MemoryTypeFilter::PREFER_HOST | MemoryTypeFilter::HOST_RANDOM_ACCESS, ..Default::default() }, (0..1024 * 1024 * 4).map(|_| 0u8), ) .expect("failed to create buffer"); }
And let's modify the command buffer we created in the previous section to add the copy operation:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use vulkano::command_buffer::CopyImageToBufferInfo; builder .clear_color_image(ClearColorImageInfo { clear_value: ClearColorValue::Float([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]), ..ClearColorImageInfo::image(image.clone()) }) .unwrap() .copy_image_to_buffer(CopyImageToBufferInfo::image_buffer( image.clone(), buf.clone(), )) .unwrap(); }
Since this is a memory transfer operation, this time the image values are not interpreted as floating-point values. The memory content of the image (unsigned 8-bit values) is directly copied to the buffer.
Let's not forget to execute the command buffer and block until the operation is finished:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use vulkano::sync::{self, GpuFuture}; let future = sync::now(device.clone()) .then_execute(queue.clone(), command_buffer) .unwrap() .then_signal_fence_and_flush() .unwrap(); future.wait(None).unwrap(); }
Turning the image into a PNG
Now that we have a buffer that contains our image data, we will visualize it by saving it as a PNG
file. The Rust ecosystem has a crate named image
that can do this.
Let's add it to our Cargo.toml:
image = "0.24"
In this library the main type that represents an image is the ImageBuffer
. It can be created
from a slice:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use image::{ImageBuffer, Rgba}; let buffer_content = buf.read().unwrap(); let image = ImageBuffer::<Rgba<u8>, _>::from_raw(1024, 1024, &buffer_content[..]).unwrap(); }
The ImageBuffer
can then be saved into a PNG file:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { image.save("image.png").unwrap(); println!("Everything succeeded!"); }
And that's it! When running your program, a blue image named image.png
should appear.

Here it is.
This might look stupid, but think about the fact that it's the GPU that wrote the content of the image. In the next sections we will do more than just fill an image with blue, but we will continue to retrieve the image's content and write it to a PNG file.